Do Large and Faster CPU Fans offer better cooling to your system | CPU Fan Comparison

Large and Faster CPU Fan Comparison for cooling.

It is often viewed as that the overall cooling of the system is dependent on Fans which is actually true but there are some beliefs that installing a bigger and faster fan will provide better cooling to system or CPU. In this article we will be talking in brief about this saying. We will be comparing fans of different sizes with different speed. Small Fans such as 80mm Fans are excluded from this comparison since they have become outdated. So here is an overview on whether you should have a larger and faster fan for cooling you CPU or System or not. Read this article till the end. If you want to know more about CPU Cooling then you should visit this article Air Cooler vs Liquid Cooler for cooling a PC | Air Cooling vs Liquid Cooling 2020 
do bigger and faster cpu fans provide better cooling than normal fans

Introduction to the Two Different Kinds of Computer Fans.

So basically there are two subcategories of Computer Fans which are popular. The first is High Air Flow Fans and the second High Static Pressure Fans. There are even more kind of Computer Fans to know about but we will not be discussing about them in this article. 

High Air Flow Fans.

As the name of this kind of fan suggests, this one is meant for higher air flow for the system. These fans have blades designed such as more air is passed instead of maintaining the pressure created by the air. These kind of fans usually have more number of blades and are inclined perpendicular to the plane of rotation. You would rarely find this kind of Fan used for cooling CPU. These High Air Flow fans are best suited for the exhaust of the cabinets or PSU.
do large and faster fans provide better cooling

High Static Pressure Fans.

So this the kind of Fan you will find being used in almost everywhere possible. In fact this is the kind of fan being used for cooling your system. As the name suggests these fans are meant to provide not high airflow but create and retain as much air possible.
do bigger and faster fans provide better cooling to cpu and cabinet

So Large and Faster Fans Provide Better Cooling?

So the answer to the topic of this article is uncertain one. One can cool the system with small fan at high RPM or a Large Fan at relatively low RPM. You see that although Faster Airflow will carry the hot air away from the system but if you keep on increasing the Fan speed just to get better cooling then at some point you will start to get not so good performance as the rate of air passing makes impossible for the air molecules to conduct the heat. 

Similar thing will happen if you use larger fan at high RPM but there will be significant difference between the temps from Smaller Fan and Larger Fan. The larger Fan will provide better cooling than the smaller one at comparatively low speed.

So you might have got idea on which Fan you should pick to attain your desired Temps on your system. If you liked this article and would like to see more stuff like this then please subscribe via Email Subscription.

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