Why AMD Ryzen 3rd Gen Processors are better than upcoming Intel 10th Gen Processors (Simplified)

Here is  why AMD Ryzen 3rd Gen CPU are still better than Intel 10th Gen CPUs in Simplified way.


So couple of days ago, Intel officially launched their new 10th Gen Processor (CPU) line up. This line consists of 10th gen Core i3, Core i5, Core i7 and Core i9 processors. Since past few years,when AMD launched its Ryzen series after the previously launched flop CPUs, AMD has become so popular that most of the people are going after it rather than Intel CPU. One of the reason why AMD has leveraged itself might be their upgrade towards Zen and Zen 2 architecture which uses 12 and 7nm Fabrication rather than 14nm. We will not discuss all the technical stuff in this article but we will discuss about whether Intel 10th Gen CPU are any better than Ryzen 3rd Gen CPU in simplified way.
intel vs ryzen

Ryzen VS Intel (which one is better).

Ryzen series is no doubt one of the best Processor line up which provide great value for money right now and Intel seems to be lagging behind due their slow upgrade. There were hopes regarding the 10th gen Processors as the previous CPU failed to grab attention. There is no doubt that Intel Processors are less powerful, Intel is considered to be the pioneer in its field, due to AMD's Ryzen Series Intel is struggling to get its throne back.
intel vs ryzen
General Differences between Intel & Ryzen CPUs.

So there were hopes that Intel's 10th Gen Processor would bring the reputation that Intel seems to lose due Ryzen but you would be surprised that still AMD is in the lead. So the Intel 10th Gen Processor's architecture is still based on the old 14nm which makes it consume more power to perform the same task that the similar Ryzen Processor could do.
The 10th Gen Intel processor actually do compete head to head with AMD in pricing, in short you will get the similar performance in both AMD as well as in Intel. Previously Intel processors used to be considered expensive and that AMD saw as golden opportunity and launched a line whose processors offer good price to performance but Intel is seemed to be competing with AMD in this segment also.

There is no doubt that Single Core performance of Intel Processors are better than Ryzen which is found to be helpful in handling the games and its performance but, AMD offers more core to the consumer which turns out to be a plus point for those people who used their system in Editing and other stuff. The clock speed of Intel Processor is more than that of Ryzen Processors

Our Opinion.

See Intel might have launched a new series but the specifications of these CPU are more or less same to the previous gen CPUs. For example Core i3 10th gen will perform similar to Core i5 9th gen. If you are will to buy a laptop then Intel CPU is good choice bu if you are build a custom PC or Desktop then we recommend you using Ryzen 3rd Gen which is still better performing Series than the latest Intel 10th Gen.

That is it for this article guys.
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