5+ Mobile accessories everyone should have | Mobile accessories 2020.
Mobile accessories are something without which a mobile user can not survive. Mobiles devices are not themself sufficient enough to complete the user's demands. Accessories such as Power Brick, Power Cord, Earphone, Screen Protector and etc are some of the accessories which are essential are provide along with the mobile device except for earphones which most of the brand do not provide now a days. Here are more than 5 mobile accessories which we suggest everyone should and it would make the life easier.
1. Mobile Protection Accessories.
Mobile Case, Tempered/Matte Glass or Screen Guard are the mobile protection accessories which provide protection from most of the mechanical damages. Mobile case are mostly provided by the manufacturers but we would suggest you to get a mobile case appropriate for your device which has hollow space for volume and power button. Many times what happens is that when we try to press any button on the device,because of the thickness of mobile case we end up pressing hard and that becomes a habit until you realize that it has made the button of no use.
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Mobile Case |
It is better suggested that one should get Tempered/Matte Glass protection instead of Plastic Screen protector just because it is more durable.
2. Power Bank.
For all the people who have a busy schedule and travel constantly without getting plenty of opportunity to charge their phone, power banks is just like blessing in disguise.
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Power bank |
Although some people get to access charger and socket by asking here and there which is quite irritating to other people, such people need to get a power so they just don't disturb anyone anymore. Jokes apart, Power banks are amazing device just because of its portability and utility. Power Banks turn out to be great in some difficult situations. We hope that you don't get into any kind of situation but it is better to prepare for the worst.
3. OTG Connectors/ OTG cable.
In some cases when when we try to connect external output device such as USB mouse or Pendrive, OTG connector become very handy. One can connect accessories such as Pendrive, Memory Card Reader, Mouse and etc with the help of OTG connector and cables. In short OTG is one of the must accessory everyone should have.
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OTG connector |
4. OTG Pendrive.
Well it is good and right to have a backup device for all the data and application that you have, in mobile phones we can not backup applications to an external storage but we can definitely save the other things such as Photos, Music, Videos and other documents in an external storage device and OTG pendrives are just the thing for the purpose.
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OTG Pendrive. credit-Amazon.com |
Apart from all this, OTG pendrive can be a look out for the expansion of your storage if your device does not have an expandable SD card slot/tray in it.
5. Flexible Mobile Holder.
This accessory might not be necessary for everyone. This accessory is essential for those people who use their device for either media consumption or using it for multitasking purpose. As a beginner we know that having a flexible mobile does turns out to be a good investment as we cannot afford to run two monitor simultaneously so the mobile turns out to be great in such condition. So this is the product we appreciate personally that is the reason why we added this to our list.
Mobile Holder. credit-Flipkart.com |
6. Stylus Pen.
Stylus Pen might be luxury for some people but an essential accessory to the artists. Not only artist but for students who opt tablet devices for their note, a fine point stylus which is available online for less price turns out to be handy and we recommend you not to buy the thick point stylus as it becomes useless as it's utility is difficult but the one we recommend is the fine point Stylus compatible with your device.
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Fine Tip Stylus. credit-Amazon.com |
That is it for this article guys,
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